Our Services

At TANDMM, we recognize that technology is a powerful tool, but it's just one piece of the puzzle in optimizing your locality's service management. Our professional services go beyond software solutions, offering comprehensive support to address your multifaceted challenges. We understand that rural and small communities often need more resources and expertise, increasing cybersecurity threats, and the need to do more with less.

Our seasoned, mission-focused technologists and subject matter experts work alongside your teams to develop tailored strategies that maximize efficiency, enhance security, and reduce overhead. We offer cyber security and risk management, business process automation, funding management support, training, and change management support to ensure that you're implementing new technology and transforming your entire approach to manage essential service delivery. With TANDMM as your partner, your organization will be equipped to navigate the complexities of modern governance while staying true to your community's unique character and needs.

Community Resiliency

In today's interconnected digital landscape, small and rural local governments, tribal governments, Certified Community Behavior Health Clinics (CCBHCs), and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) face unprecedented risks. Sophisticated cyber threats increasingly target these organizations with unique needs and considerations. The stakes are high: a single breach can compromise sensitive data, disrupt critical services, and erode public trust.

TANDMM offers a comprehensive strategy to fortify your digital defenses. Our hand-selected products and services provide immediate protection for your organization. Once a foundation is established, our experts conduct thorough cyber and technology strategy assessments to help you establish an evolving and scalable cyber and technology strategy. This strategy then becomes the foundation of a holistic, integrated risk management framework that addresses cybersecurity and encompasses compliance, operational, and strategic risks.

By partnering with TANDMM, you'll shield your digital assets from immediate threats and build a resilient, forward-looking security posture that supports your mission-critical operations and maintains the trust of your community.

Funding Management & Optimization

Navigating the complex landscape of diverse funding sources can be daunting for small localities. TANDMM's Funding Management services provide comprehensive support to maximize your access to vital resources. We understand the importance of optimizing renewals while identifying new opportunities. Our experts work closely with your teams to assess your current situation, integrate automation where feasible, and streamline processes to ensure accurate, timely data reporting and compliance.

Our support encompasses the entire funding lifecycle. We offer robust tools and expertise for continuous monitoring, reporting, and compliance with program requirements. Whether you're enhancing local government cybersecurity through federal funding or focusing on corporate acquisitions, sponsorships, or individual/family foundation investments, our experts will collaborate closely with you to maximize the impact of every dollar received.

Work Automation

TANDMM's Work Automation services empower localities to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce staff workload through intelligent process automation. We understand local governments' unique challenges, such as budget constraints, increasing service demands, and complex regulatory requirements. Our tailored automation solutions address these pain points by digitizing manual processes, automating repetitive tasks, and integrating disparate systems. From permit applications and citizen service requests to internal workflows and data management, our expertise helps you identify and implement automation opportunities that deliver tangible benefits.

By leveraging proven, modern, readily available technologies and capabilities, we can help you transform your operations. Our solutions reduce manual data entry and processing time, minimize errors, improve data accuracy, and enhance security and compliance. This allows your staff to focus on high-value activities that require human judgment and creativity, ultimately leading to improved service delivery and citizen satisfaction. With TANDMM's Work Automation services, you'll increase operational efficiency and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within your organization.